Selecting Leaders with Christian Worldviews

The following article is an expanded version of an article in the November issue of the AFA Journal.


Selecting Leaders with Christian Worldviews

American citizens represent a number of worldviews, but the two major views are Judeo-Christian and Secular Humanism. Strangely in recent years, the dominant culture-shaping forces have been from the minority views of Secular Humanism held by the leadership in fields such as entertainment, education, and often in politics. Humanistic tend to have atheistic or agnostic religious beliefs and considers human reasoning and human solutions superior to Biblical teachings and traditional laws of God. This has resulted in a number of secular laws and regulations legalizing such things as abortion, homosexual marriage, transgender “rights,” and required teaching in public schools that all life arose naturalistically.


When Christians failed to vote

Christians are often surprised when their traditional beliefs are supplanted by ideas with which they strongly disagree. Continue reading Selecting Leaders with Christian Worldviews