Common Core: Explained and Critiqued (from AFA Journal, September 2018)

Early approval of Common Core

Enthusiasm and agreement marked the plans by the nation’s governors and state educational leaders to produce a set of common standards that public schools could unify around. Some of the ambitious goals for Common Core State Standards were that all students who graduated from high school would be ready for college work or for careers; the achievement gaps between racial and socioeconomic groups would narrow; and U.S. students would maintain high rankings on international achievement tests.


A rushed beginning

The standards were written in 2009. Continue reading Common Core: Explained and Critiqued (from AFA Journal, September 2018)

Does Common Core Fuel Hostility Toward Family , America, and Christianity?

Christian parents in America are baffled by the rude, and even violent behavior of some young people on college campuses as they protest conservative speakers, capitalism, the military and police. There is an increasing approval of socialism and communism by young voters, in spite of the obvious failures of communist countries. Veterans who sacrificed much to ensure that America remains a free nation look in utter amazement at the lack of respect for America’s heroes. Did these ideas originate on college campuses or did they begin much earlier in our elementary and high schools? Continue reading Does Common Core Fuel Hostility Toward Family , America, and Christianity?