The Real Civil War: God’s Truth vs Secular Humanism

For the past few years prominent American universities have seen large numbers of angry student protesting conservative speakers. Why are they motivated to do this? Legitimate groups from the University invited the speakers and no one was being coerced to attend the events. Nevertheless, the aim of the protestors was to make sure no one on campus heard a conservative viewpoint.

These protests, ranging from shout outs to full-blown riots, occurred on such campuses as UC Berkley, Middlebury College, Claremont McKenna College, the University of Chicago, the University of Washington, and U.C. Davis. Some of the most intelligent young people in the nation attend these great universities. Continue reading The Real Civil War: God’s Truth vs Secular Humanism

Unexpected Results From A Poll About Teaching Science

False news has been a reoccurring topic in today’s culture for some time. A near relative to false news is ignored news. News worthy stories can be selectively ignored by the media or they can be twisted until the meaning is altered. There are two areas that are reported in these two categories more than their share of the time. These are Darwinian evolution and climate change.


There is a general assumption among the media that Darwinian evolution and climate change are now established facts and should be taught in classes as the only accurate scientific explanations for origins and climate. The fact is, there have been a number of news -worthy stories about these topics that have been ignored or given an altering twist.


Stories that oppose traditional positions about evolution and climate change are routinely passed over as religiously based, illegal in public schools, material that is flawed and biased, or not worthy of mainstream reputable news. When they are given time in news media, the articles often contain misrepresented information. This article is being written to challenge the false news and ignored news that is prevalent in articles that do not agree with mainstream science.

Continue reading Unexpected Results From A Poll About Teaching Science

An Atheistic Religious Viewpoint vs a Theistic Religious Viewpoint

COPE (Citizens for Objective Public Education) was incorporated in 2012with a specific mission to promote objectivity in public school curricula regarding religious content, so the teaching is religiously neutral. Religion, defined as beliefs about ultimate causes and the meaning of life, includes both theistic and atheistic beliefs. According to U.S courts, religious content must either be omitted or presented in a religiously neutral manner. COPE is particularly concerned when public schools present ideas that clearly favor an atheistic religious viewpoint while excluding a theistic religious view.


In 2013 the Kanas State Board of Education adopted the Next Generation Science Standards (NGSS). COPE then examined the proposed learning objectives and found they did not present Darwinian evolution in a religiously neutral manner. Continue reading An Atheistic Religious Viewpoint vs a Theistic Religious Viewpoint

Is Evolution a Fact?

Background: A number of well-qualified, respected scientists and scientific organizations claim that evolution is a fact. Other qualified, respected scientists and scientific organizations disagree. Different opinions are also held by individual citizens, school boards, and even courts. To make things even more complicated, there is more than one definition for evolution. It can refer to minor changes in living things over time, or it can refer to Darwin’s idea that major changes in living things gradually occurred over millions of years. Continue reading Is Evolution a Fact?

Genesis vs Darwinism

Many Christians believe the true account of our beginnings is recorded in Genesis. Now, compare this to what schools teach children about origins. What is taught in schools is not what is taught in Genesis. There is admissible and inadmissible evidence that is allowed in science classes. The explanations that agree with Darwinian evolution are admissible in schools, but the explanations that agree with Genesis are inadmissible. The key to understanding this disparity is that Continue reading Genesis vs Darwinism

Exposing Weaknesses of Darwinism

The apostle Paul saw a vision of the end times in which he saw evil spirits that looked like frogs coming from the mouth of the dragon, the mouth of the beast, and the mouth of the false prophet. (Rev. 16:13) Frogs, known for their the repetitive croaking, may be a symbolic picture of a technique that is often used to convince people that something is true even when there is little or no evidence for it. “Millions and millions of years” is one of the repetitive phases we have all heard that emphasizes the supposed age of the universe, the earth, and ancestral living organisms.

Many books, movies, documentaries, and teachers declare with one voice that the earth is billions of years old and that dinosaurs lived on the earth millions of years ago. Young children, who are invariably fascinated by dinosaurs, are routinely told this as a fact. Continue reading Exposing Weaknesses of Darwinism

New Emphasis on Darwinian Evolution

I wrote the following article as a Guest Opinion in the May 25, 2014 issue of The Baptist Record. It is vitally important to consider how 13 years of being progressively taught about the evolutionary version of origins will affect the worldview and religious beliefs of our young people   Continue reading New Emphasis on Darwinian Evolution

Naturalism Is a Philosophy

Naturalism Is a Philosophy

Anyone trying to understand the secular evolutionary version of “where did we come from?” is at a huge disadvantage unless they first understand the science behind it. The next few posts will deal with this. I guarantee you will be better prepared to defend your Christian worldview if you can grasp these principles.  These posts are taken from an unpublished manuscript, “The Resurrection of Genesis 1-11” by Carolyn Reeves.

First of all, you need to understand that secular science is based on the philosophy of naturalism. Its followers believe that there is a natural explanation for everything that exists, including the beginning of all things. When it comes to origins, naturalists believe that all forms of life on earth can trace their origins back to the same one-celled ancestor rather than to a supernatural creation by God. They also believe there is a natural explanation for how the earth and the universe came to be. Evolutionary naturalists consider a Creator to be either false or irrelevant when it comes to how all living things came to be. Continue reading Naturalism Is a Philosophy