Unexpected Results From A Poll About Teaching Science

False news has been a reoccurring topic in today’s culture for some time. A near relative to false news is ignored news. News worthy stories can be selectively ignored by the media or they can be twisted until the meaning is altered. There are two areas that are reported in these two categories more than their share of the time. These are Darwinian evolution and climate change.


There is a general assumption among the media that Darwinian evolution and climate change are now established facts and should be taught in classes as the only accurate scientific explanations for origins and climate. The fact is, there have been a number of news -worthy stories about these topics that have been ignored or given an altering twist.


Stories that oppose traditional positions about evolution and climate change are routinely passed over as religiously based, illegal in public schools, material that is flawed and biased, or not worthy of mainstream reputable news. When they are given time in news media, the articles often contain misrepresented information. This article is being written to challenge the false news and ignored news that is prevalent in articles that do not agree with mainstream science.

Continue reading Unexpected Results From A Poll About Teaching Science

Is the Word Creator Allowed in Science?

This is not the first time the mere mention of Creator in a scientific article, class, or other public forum has created an uproar.  An article entitled “Biomechanical characteristics of hand coordination in grasping activities of daily living,” was published in the on-line scientific journal PLOS ONE in January of 2016. The authors wrote about how human hands have an amazing ability to grasp things and perform a multitude of other coordinated tasks. In the article hands were said to have the “proper design by the Creator.” If the article had said that hands had been properly designed by Nature, there would have been no objections.  But because of the use of the word Creator, there was a flood of complaints as many furious readers called, emailed, and twitted their criticisms. Some called for the editor to be fired while others demanded that the article should be immediately retracted. Some even thought the PLOS ONE Journal itself should be shut down or boycotted. Continue reading Is the Word Creator Allowed in Science?

Admissible and Inadmissible Evidence in the National Science Standards- Part II

Admissible and Inadmissible Evidence in the National Science Standards is continued below as Part II. The condensed version of this article is published in the April 2015 edition of the AFA Journal.


Although naturalistic evolution from a common ancestry has been taught in public schools for over 50 years, NGSS is more systematic, dogmatic, and deceptive in its approach than most previous standards.  The deception is extremely effective because it begins at age 5 in kindergarten. The new standards will continue to present evidence in a manner that supports the idea that all life evolved from a common ancestry. Furthermore, most scientific challenges to unguided evolution will remain inadmissible. The big difference is that evolution will be taught progressively in this way from grades K-12.


Studies have shown that young children from all backgrounds have an inborn natural inclination to favor purposeful design as the best explanation for life, including man.  Most young children instinctively believe that God made all living things, because living things look designed. Due to this instinct and the subconsciously recognized improbability that complex organs happened by chance, they find naturalistic evolution to be illogical – which in fact it is.  Psychological studies have found that very young children can be effectively persuaded to accept natural evolutionary ideas with picture books and visuals when they are taught these ideas at an early age. -1

Continue reading Admissible and Inadmissible Evidence in the National Science Standards- Part II

Uniformitarianism–A Game Changer!

Uniformitarianism is a philosophy. Its adherents believe that natural processes and the rates at which they have been observed to occur on earth and in space are the keys to understanding what has happened in the past. They assume that such processes as erosion, deposition, fossilization, and other natural processes occur at overall predictable rates. They are convinced that there was never a worldwide flood in which these rates would have occurred much more rapidly than what we can observe today. Continue reading Uniformitarianism–A Game Changer!