Genesis vs Darwinism

Many Christians believe the true account of our beginnings is recorded in Genesis. Now, compare this to what schools teach children about origins. What is taught in schools is not what is taught in Genesis. There is admissible and inadmissible evidence that is allowed in science classes. The explanations that agree with Darwinian evolution are admissible in schools, but the explanations that agree with Genesis are inadmissible. The key to understanding this disparity is that Continue reading Genesis vs Darwinism

Exposing Weaknesses of Darwinism

The apostle Paul saw a vision of the end times in which he saw evil spirits that looked like frogs coming from the mouth of the dragon, the mouth of the beast, and the mouth of the false prophet. (Rev. 16:13) Frogs, known for their the repetitive croaking, may be a symbolic picture of a technique that is often used to convince people that something is true even when there is little or no evidence for it. “Millions and millions of years” is one of the repetitive phases we have all heard that emphasizes the supposed age of the universe, the earth, and ancestral living organisms.

Many books, movies, documentaries, and teachers declare with one voice that the earth is billions of years old and that dinosaurs lived on the earth millions of years ago. Young children, who are invariably fascinated by dinosaurs, are routinely told this as a fact. Continue reading Exposing Weaknesses of Darwinism