Cave Men–Fully Human or Half Human?

Today’s blog features an interview with Jim Brenneman. Jim studied anthropology at a state university as an honors student with a specialized interest in Neanderthals. He has also taught classes in biblical Hebrew and biblical archaeology, has directed two study tours in Israel, and has an avid interest in the biblical flood.


Question:  Neanderthals, or cave men, are found in most textbooks as large brutish animals, stooped over and carrying a club. Are Neanderthals fully human, half-human, or, just an animal?

Jim:  What a Neanderthal might “look like” has no bearing at all on whether or not they are fully human souls. All people are of one blood, and descendents of Adam and Eve, and more recently descendents of the three sons of Noah. Continue reading Cave Men–Fully Human or Half Human?