World History After Noah

World History After Noah – Part I


The human survivors of the Flood emerged to find dry ground after more than a year of living in the Ark. There was no trace of the former pre-Flood civilizations. All that remained of most plants and animals were now found as trillions of fossils embedded in layers of rocks and as some new plant growth from germinating seeds, spores, and adventitious growths.


Wild animals and birds on the Ark were released to return to the natural environment and reproduce. Domesticated plants and animals were tended on farms.


The human survivors began to repopulate the world as children were born into large families. Within a few generations, there were several thousand people on the earth.

Continue reading World History After Noah

Were Early Humans Evolving or Devolving?

This is Part II of an interview with Jim Brennamen about cave men and early humans.

Question:  Do you find the Bible accounts of early man to be accurate?

Jim:  I have come to the conclusion after years of research and reading on the subject, that no one has a real hold on understanding early man.  However, what the Bible presents remains unchallenged by any of the “latest” fossil finds or DNA research or archaeological discoveries.

We should always make sure we are starting with a firm grasp on the facts as revealed in the simple straight-forward reading of Scripture. All humans originated as the descendants  Continue reading Were Early Humans Evolving or Devolving?