Naturalism Is a Philosophy

Naturalism Is a Philosophy

Anyone trying to understand the secular evolutionary version of “where did we come from?” is at a huge disadvantage unless they first understand the science behind it. The next few posts will deal with this. I guarantee you will be better prepared to defend your Christian worldview if you can grasp these principles.  These posts are taken from an unpublished manuscript, “The Resurrection of Genesis 1-11” by Carolyn Reeves.

First of all, you need to understand that secular science is based on the philosophy of naturalism. Its followers believe that there is a natural explanation for everything that exists, including the beginning of all things. When it comes to origins, naturalists believe that all forms of life on earth can trace their origins back to the same one-celled ancestor rather than to a supernatural creation by God. They also believe there is a natural explanation for how the earth and the universe came to be. Evolutionary naturalists consider a Creator to be either false or irrelevant when it comes to how all living things came to be. Continue reading Naturalism Is a Philosophy