Admissible and Inadmissible Evidence Part III

Admissible and Inadmissible Evidence in the National Science Standards is continued below as Part III. The condensed version of this article is published in the April 2015 edition of the AFA Journal.

Public school students are in a position where everyone is taught Darwin’s proposal that all living things, including humans, originated from a common single-celled ancestor. Regardless of whether or not a disclaimer is added that God may have guided the process, Darwinian evolution is taught in public schools without scientific challenges and as the only scientifically accepted possibility for our origins. Attempts to include scientific creationism or intelligent design have been struck down by courts as state-sponsored religious ideas.

The case of COPE vs. Kansas Board of Education has yet to be decided. Parents are suing the Board because the state-approved science curriculum teaches an exclusively atheistic explanation for origins. Continue reading Admissible and Inadmissible Evidence Part III

Views About Creation From a Rocket Scientist

Have you ever heard the expression, “It doesn’t take a rocket scientist to know that”?  Here is a true rocket scientist expressing his views on the teaching of creation in public schools. Dr. von Braun was director of the arm of NASA that put a man on the moon. It is unclear when his Christian walk began, but his opinions are clear and wise. I have highlighted some of his remarks. They speak for themselves.


The following letter was written by Dr. Wernher von Braun to the California State Board of Education in 1972.

Continue reading Views About Creation From a Rocket Scientist